Monday, November 1, 2010

Week 3

Roasted Pear with Chamomile
This dessert consisted of a roasted pear, chamomile jus, pear sorbet, pear chip, hazelnut financier and a sugar garnish. For my interpretation, I wanted the hazelnut financier to be a different shape, other than a circle as shown in the book. I made a couple options and ended up using a rectangle sliced in half length-wise. The cake itself was very dry, therefore I plated it on top of the chamomile jus. I also wanted to bring in some visual interest with the pear since it's such a large component on the plate. I fanned the pear over the cake, and later learned the correct way to fan a pear (which would have looked better!). 

It was a challenge for me to determine what to do with the remaining elements: the sorbet, pear chip and garnish. I also wanted to bring some color onto the plate. I cradled the sorbet in the sugar garnish, on a bed of crushed pear chip and green sugar. It did not work well, as you'll see in the photo below. I was really lacking creative inspiration for this dessert. I'm not sure why. I didn't have a good vision or plan in mind for the right side of the plate, so I sort of kept adding things in hopes that it would help, and come together. It didn't, but it was good learning. I think this dessert could have been better with something warm on the plate. 

A few other things I learned from this dessert include making sugar garnishes, and the benefits and results of making sorbet/ice cream with the Paco-Jet.

Pate de Fruit
Pate de Fruit was more work and constant mixing than I anticipated. I can see how this element can add some nice color to a plate. However, personally, it's too sweet for me.

                                          Plate as shown in the text book

                                         My interpretation

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